Continuous Flashing Smiley on Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test

How to use and read Clearblue Pregnancy and Ovulation tests

You and your partner are ready and waiting for the pitter-patter of tiny feet to enter your lives and turn your world upside down.

But how do you know that everything you're doing (and having a great time doing, thank you very much) to get you pregnant is having the right effect?

Are you doing it at the right time? Could you be pregnant already? Well no matter what stage you're at, you know that it's time to pee on a stick!

You've picked out your favourite Clearblue pregnancy test and you're armed with Clearblue ovulation tests and… well, now what?

Just keep reading to find out how to use your Clearblue tests and how to read your test results when you're done!

How to use a Clearblue Pregnancy Test

Clearblue has three pregnancy tests available, the Digital Test with Weeks Indicator, the Early Detection Test, and the Rapid Detection Test, and they all have their own benefits depending on how and when you'd like to use them.

Although they all look slightly different, you use them in exactly the same way, so no matter which test you pick up, you'll be prepared.

There are two ways to use each test, you can pee directly onto the stick or use a container, let's look at how to do both in more detail

Pee on the stick

  • First, unwrap the pregnancy test from its foil wrapper, remove the blue cap from the end of the test to reveal the absorbent tip.
  • Sit on the toilet and hold the absorbent tip of the test into your urine stream for 5 seconds, taking care not to get the rest of the stick wet.
  • Place the test with the tip pointing downwards or lay the test flat as you wait for your results. You can replace the blue cap onto the end of the test if you want to
  • After 3 minutes have passed, read your test results!

Use a clean container

  • Collect a sample of your urine in a clean, dry container.
  • First, unwrap the pregnancy test from its foil wrapper, remove the blue cap from the end of the test to reveal the absorbent tip.
  • Submerge the entirety of the absorbent tip into the urine sample with the tip pointing down. Hold in the sample for 20 seconds only.
  • Place the test with the tip pointing downwards or lay the test flat as you wait for your results. You can replace the blue cap onto the end of the test if you want to
  • After 3 minutes have passed, read your test results!

When should I use my Clearblue tests?

When you use your Clearblue Pregnancy Test depends entirely upon what stage you are at in your cycle.

If you're testing early in your cycle, which means you're testing up to 6 days before your missed period, then you should use your first pee of the day for the most accurate results possible.

If you're testing from the first day of an expected period, then you can take your pregnancy test at any time without any issues.

However, you should remember to avoid drinking too much fluid before taking the test for best results.

How to read a Clearblue Pregnancy Test

Now you've done the test it's time to get your results! Although you can take all of the Clearblue pregnancy tests in the same way, reading each one will be slightly different.

Let's take a look at each of them in turn and see what the test results in those little windows actually mean.

Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator

This Clearblue test is the only pregnancy test that can tell you how many weeks pregnant you are, and you'll see that in clear words in the window when you read your test.

If your pregnancy test is negative, you'll simply see the words "not pregnant" on the screen, but if your test is positive, you'll see the word "pregnant" appear on the screen first.

If you wait a little longer, you'll see a set of numbers appear on the screen, which will tell you how many weeks along your pregnancy is.

The picture below shows each one of the possible test results and how they'll look on the screen.

  1.  The first image shows a negative result, you're not pregnant at this time.
  2. This result means that you're pregnant and conceived approximately 1 – 2 weeks ago. Your doctor would date your pregnancy as 3 – 4 weeks, based on a 28-day cycle.
  3. This result means that you're pregnant and conceived approximately 2 – 3 weeks ago. Your doctor would date your pregnancy as 4 – 5 weeks, based on a 28-day cycle.
  4. The final image shows that you are pregnant and conceived more than 3 weeks ago. Your doctor would date your pregnancy as 5 or more weeks, based on a 28-day cycle.

Clearblue Early Detection Pregnancy Test

Next, we have our Clearblue Early Detection pregnancy test, which can be used as early as 6 days before your missed period.

This test has two little windows on the side, a larger one and a smaller one, and it's still simple to read.

When you get your test results the smaller window, which is also known as the control window, will fill with one vertical line no matter what your result.

This will indicate that the test has worked properly. If you see this smaller line on its own, then this means that you're not pregnant at the moment.

However, if the larger window also shows a vertical line, then your test result is positive and you're pregnant.

If the small control window doesn't have a line in it, then the test has failed and you will need to take another test.

It doesn't matter how strong or faint the lines in these windows are, as long as there's a line in the control window your test has worked properly.

Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test

Finally, we have the rapid detection pregnancy test. This one can be read as quickly as 1 minute after taking the test, but you may have to wait 3 minutes for the results to become clear.

Like the Early Detection test, this test has two windows, but you'll need to look at this test slightly differently.

You'll see the larger window and the smaller control window, but with this test you'll need to pay the most attention to the larger window.

When you've done the test, the smaller control window will fill with a vertical line, which indicates that the test has been successful and the larger window will fill with either one line or a cross.

If you see one horizontal line in the larger window, then you're not pregnant at this time.

On the other hand, if you see a cross in the window, then the test is positive and you're pregnant.

What happens after I've taken my pregnancy test?

So, you've done your pregnancy test and read your results – now what?

Well, if your test has come back positive and you're pregnant, you should make an appointment to see your doctor right away.

They'll be able to confirm your pregnancy and let you know what to do next.

If your test came back negative but you tested early, take another test when your period is due. If your period is late, then you should take another test in 3 days' time.

Your pregnancy hormone may not be very high yet, making it difficult for the test to detect, and a second test could help you to see more clear results.

If you're ever unsure about your test results or the test didn't work, you can always make an appointment to see your doctor, who will be able to give you some good advice and help you to confirm whether or not you're pregnant.

How to use a Clearblue Ovulation Test

If you're not pregnant, but want to give yourself the best chance of falling pregnant naturally, then you may want to use Clearblue Ovulation Tests to help you to identify your most fertile days.

These tests can help you to identify up to 4 fertile days and 2 days when you are at your peak fertility, so you'll know when your chances of falling pregnant are at their highest.

You'll use your ovulation tests in the same way you would use a pregnancy test – holding the absorbent tip into your urine stream or submerging it in a urine sample.

The amount of time you'll need to submerge the test is slightly different for each of Clearblue's most popular ovulation tests:

  • Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test – Hold in urine stream for 5 – 7 seconds or submerge in urine sample for 15 seconds
  • Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test – Hold in urine stream for 3 seconds or submerge in urine sample for 15 seconds
  • Clearblue Connected Ovulation Test Kit - Hold in urine stream for 3 seconds or submerge in urine sample for 15 seconds

When you use each test stick, you'll need to insert it into the digital holder before you take your test so you can get your results.

This is quick and easy to do, simply remove the test stick from its foil packaging and remove its cap, as you would with a regular pregnancy test.

Then slide the end of the test stick into its holder so that the arrow on the test stick and the arrow on the holder meet.

You'll hear the test click into place when you've done this right and see a little test ready symbol appear on the screen.

Congratulations, you're ready to take your ovulation test!

How to read a Clearblue Ovulation Test

Now you've done your test, it's time to work out whether you're having a fertile day or not!

You'll notice a little window on your ovulation test that's similar to the one you would see on a pregnancy test.

It will show different icons depending on your current fertility levels, so let's take a look at what these mean on each test.

Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test

On your pink Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test you'll see one of two icons once you've done your test.

These will indicate whether or not you're experiencing one of your two most fertile days in your monthly cycle.

The first icon will be a blank circle, which means that you are not having one of your most fertile days as the test has not detected a surge of a fertility hormone known as LH.

The second icon you could see would be a smiley face. If you see a smiley face then the test has detected a rise in your LH hormone level and your two most fertile days are today and tomorrow.

If you have sex over the next 48 hours, your chances of getting pregnant will be increased.

Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test

The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation test will show a similar set of icons but will help you to detect 4 fertile days as well as your 2 days of peak fertility.

It can do this by monitoring 2 different kinds of hormones, the LH hormone we've mentioned before and oestrogen.

If you notice a clear circle when you've done your test, then you're having a lower fertility day. You could still get pregnant if you have sex today, but it will be less likely.

If you see a flashing smiley face on the test, then you're having a high fertility day and will be more likely to get pregnant.

Finally, if you see a static smiley face that remains on the screen for 48 hours, then you're at the beginning of your 2 peak fertility days and will be more likely to get pregnant if you have sex.

You will not need to do another test for 48 hours, when the smiley face will fade away again.

Clearblue Connected Ovulation Test Kit

When you read your Clearblue Connected Ovulation Test, the icons on the screen of your test stick will be the same as the ones on the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test.

You'll see a blank circle, a flashing smiley face, or a solid smiley face, which will indicate your levels of fertility in the exact same way.

The added bonus is that you'll be able to read your test results on your phone too, where you'll see more information about your results, what they mean, and track your fertility throughout your cycle.

Now you know everything you need to know about reading Clearblue pregnancy and ovulation tests, all that's left for you to do is take the tests!

Who knows, your first steps on the road to having a baby could begin right now!


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